Use of some popular urban vegetables as home remedies in Raipur city. (Oudhia, 2003)

Contributor:Dr. Pankaj OudhiaInteractive TableID: 2297
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Use of some popular urban vegetables as home remedies in Raipur city. (Oudhia, 2003)
Local NameScientific NameUseful In
ParwalTrichosanthes dioicaFever
AluSolanum tuberosum{{Acne}g}
TamatarLycopersicon esculentumFever, Face Care, TuberculosisDiabetesConstipation
MooliRaphanus sativusHypertension, Face Care, Skin disease, InsomniaRenal CalculiDiabetes
LaukiLagenaria sicerariaHeadache, Face Care, Mental Stress, Piles
BhataSolanum melongena{{Whitlow}g}
SemDolichos lablabDiabetes, Respiratory Troubles
KandaIpomoea batatasAphrodisiac


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