National and international inquiries regarding minor forest produces of Indian state Chhattisgarh received during September, 2006.

Contributor:Dr. Pankaj OudhiaInteractive TableID: 2308
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National and international inquiries regarding minor forest produces of Indian state Chhattisgarh received during September, 2006. Related Ecoport Tables
Local NameScientific NameNational/International QueriesRemarks
Kali MusliCurculigo orchioidesNGreen leaves.
AsgandhWithania somniferaNSeeds for cultivation.
KaranjPongamia pinnataNSeeds for extraction of oil.
KamalNelumbo nuciferaINIn form of religious product.
Mushk DanaAbelmoschus moschatusN, INSeeds with high aroma.
Telia Kand-NFor Tantra activities.
BachAcorus calamusNRhizomes.
GiloiTinospora cordifoliaNDried stems.
KalmeghAndrographis paniculataNSeeds.
Patal KumhdaPueraria tuberosaNUniform sized cut tubers.
RasnaVanda speciesNWhole plant fresh.
KohaTerminalia arjunaNDry flowers and fruits.
KarraCleistanthus collinusINFruits.
GuarpathaAloe veraINGel prepared from indigenous tecniques.


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