Harvest time of some important Indian medicinal crops. (Oudhia, 2003)

Contributor:Dr. Pankaj OudhiaInteractive TableID: 2283
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Harvest time of some important Indian medicinal crops. (Oudhia, 2003)
Medicinal CropsHarvesting Time (Days after Sowing)
Aloe8 months (first crop)
Asgandh150-170 days
Bemchi7-8 months
Belladonna3 months (first harvest of leaves)
Ammi visnaga190-210 days
Buckwheat40-50 days
Coleus135-150 days
Keukand16-17 months
Kevatch170-180 days
UskandTwo years
Kalihari170-180 days
Guggal8-10 years
Holy Thistle120 days
Ammi majus160-170 days
Safed Musli90-100 days


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