Some popular Homoeopathic Prophylactics. (Oudhia, 1999)

Contributor:Dr. Pankaj OudhiaInteractive TableID: 2284
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Some popular Homoeopathic Prophylactics. (Oudhia, 1999)
DiseasesHomoeopathic MedicineRemarks
Chicken PoxPuls.Used in Low potency
CholeraVeratrumUsed in Low potency
DiptheriaDiphtherinumUsed in Low potency
Intermitten FeverArs.Used in Low potency
MeaslesMorbilinumUsed in Low potency
MumpsPilocarpineUsed in Low potency
PlagueIgnatiaUsed in Low potency
PolioLathyrus sat.Used in Low and High potency
Small PoxMelandrinum, VariolinumUsed in Low and High potency
TyphoidBaptisiaUsed in Low potency
Whooping CoughVaccinUsed in Low potency


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