Botanical differences between Jatropha curcas and Jatropha multifida. (Oudhia, 2003)

Contributor:Dr. Pankaj OudhiaInteractive TableID: 2292
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Botanical differences between Jatropha curcas and Jatropha multifida. (Oudhia, 2003)
ParticularsJatropha curcasJatropha multifida
PlantLarge deciduous soft wooded shrub or small tree.Handsome shrub.
LeavesAlternate, broadly ovate, cordate, palmately 3 or 5 lobed.Orbicular, long petioled, palmately cut into narrow caudate segments.
FlowerMonoecious, yellowish green.In flat-topped cymes, coral red.
FruitOvoid black, breaking up into 3-valved cocci.Capsule, large, sub fleshy, yellow, 3-lobed.
Nature of SeedsToxicUsed as Aphrodisiac.


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