Useful parts and collection norms of medicinal herbs added in Leucas linifolia based Traditional Herbal Formulations used by Traditional Healers of Indian state Chhattisgarh in treatment of Obesity.

Contributor:Dr. Pankaj OudhiaInteractive TableID: 2520
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Useful parts and collection norms of medicinal herbs added in Leucas linifolia based Traditional Herbal Formulations used by Traditional Healers of Indian state Chhattisgarh in treatment of ObesityRelated Article.
Herbal FormulationsUsed PartsCollection Norms
Herbal Formulation No. 1LeavesNew leaves are preferred. Allelopathic treatments are done before collection.
Herbal Formulation No. 2BarkInner bark is collected. Old trees are preferred. Allelopathic treatments are done before collection.
Herbal Formulation No. 3LeavesYoung leaves are used. Plants growing in rice bund are preferred. Allelopathic treatments are done before collection.
Herbal Formulation No. 4SeedsMatured seeds are collected. Allelopathic treatments are done before collection.
Herbal Formulation No. 5LeavesPlants growing in waterlogged areas are avoided. Allelopathic treatments are done before collection.
Herbal Formulation No. 6FlowersPlants growing in lateritic wasteland are avoided. Allelopathic treatments are done before collection.
Herbal Formulation No. 7RootsPlants collected from river banks are preferred. Help of pig is taken while collection of medicinally rich roots. Allelopathic treatments are done before collection.
Herbal Formulation No. 8FruitsCollection from old ponds are preferred. Allelopathic treatments are done before collection.
Herbal Formulation No. 9RhizomePlants of forest origin are preferred. Allelopathic treatments are done before collection.
Herbal Formulation No. 10SeedsPolluted ponds are avoided for collection. Allelopathic treatments are done before collection.
Herbal Formulation No. 11FlowersFallen flowers are not collected. Allelopathic treatments are done before collection.
Herbal Formulation No. 12FruitsPlants growing in support of Bambri are preferred. Allelopathic treatments are done before collection.
Herbal Formulation No. 13PodsHalf matured pods are used. Allelopathic treatments are done before collection. Plants growing with Aeschynomene americana are not preferred. Allelopathic treatments are done before collection.
Herbal Formulation No. 14LeavesPlants from organic rice fields are collected. Allelopathic treatments are done before collection.
Herbal Formulation No. 15FruitsMatured fruits are preferred. Allelopathic treatments are done before collection.
Herbal Formulation No. 16LeavesYoung leaves are preferred. Allelopathic treatments are done before collection.
Herbal Formulation No. 17GumOld plants are preferred.
Herbal Formulation No. 18PodsCultivated plants are preferred. Allelopathic treatments are done before collection.
Herbal Formulation No. 19LeavesYoung leaves of forest plants are preferred. Allelopathic treatments are done before collection.
Herbal Formulation No. 20Underground partsOrganically raised plants are preferred.
Herbal Formulation No. 21LeavesOrganically raised plants are preferred.
Herbal Formulation No. 22FruitsMatured fruits are used. Allelopathic treatments are done before collection.
Herbal Formulation No. 23FruitsOld trees are preferred for collection of matured fruits. Allelopathic treatments are done before collection.


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