National and international inquiries regarding minor forest produces of Indian state Chhattisgarh received during April 25 to 30, 2007

Contributor:Dr. Pankaj OudhiaInteractive TableID: 2522
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National and international inquiries regarding minor forest produces of Indian state Chhattisgarh received during April 25 to 30, 2007. Related Ecoport Tables
Common NameScientific NameNational/International QueriesRemarks
MahuaMadhuca indicaN, INThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for bark.
CharBuchanania lanzanN, INThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for roots.
Kali HaldiCurcuma caesiaN, INThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for medicinal insects feeding on it.
Van HaldiCurcuma aromaticaN, INThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for flowers.
HadjodCissus quadrangularisN, INThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for leaves.
GokhruTribulus terrestrisN, INThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for roots.
KuthuaXanthium strumariumN, INThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for fruits.
PunarnavaBoerhavia diffusaN, INThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for herbal products.
KoliarBauhinia purpureaNThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for bark.
MahulBauhinia vahliiN, INThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for platters.
BaheraTerminalia belliricaN, INThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for herbal products.
HarraTerminalia chebulaN, INThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for bark.
KohaTerminalia arjunaN, INThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for fruits.
SajaTerminalia alataN, INThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for fruits.
Ganga AmliPithecellobium dulceN, INThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for flowers.
BhengraEclipta albaN, INThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for shade dried herb.
KalihariGloriosa superbaN, INThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for seeds.
VakeriCaesalpinia digynaN, INThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for roots.
GataranCaesalpinia bonducN, INThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for flowers.
BilaikandIpomoea digitataNThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for herbal products.
ShahtootMorus albaN, INThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for bark.
ParsaButea monospermaN, INThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for flowers.
BambriAcacia niloticaINThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for gum.
DhawdaAnogeissus latifoliaN, INThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for roots.
KoriyaHolarrhena antidysentericaN, INThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for bark.
Bendra CharIxora pavettaN, INThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for flowers.
DhanbaherCassia fistulaN, INThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for bark.
PadriStereospermum personatumN, INThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for fruits.
AmliTamarindus indicaN, INThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for herbal products.
DhawaiWoodfordia fruticosaNThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for roots.
KusumSchleichera oleosaN, INThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for oil.
KarraCleistanthus collinusNThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for fruits.
BhirraChloroxylon swieteniaNThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for flowers.
SatavarAsparagus racemosusNThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for leaves.
KevatchMucuna pruriensNThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for herbal products..
GunjaAbrus precatoriusN, INThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for leaves.
ShikakaiAcacia concinnaN, INThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for roots.
ReethaSapindus emarginatusNThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for medicinal insects feeding on it.
SalShorea robustaINThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for flowers and platters prepared from leaves..
MuscainiIpomoea reniformisNThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for leaves.
MokhlaAsteracantha longifoliaNThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for flowers.
KamalNelumbo nuciferaNThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for flowers.
TenduDiospyros melanoxylonNThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for platters.
KeontiVentilago denticulataN, INThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for herbal products.
SagonTectona grandisN, INThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for roots.
Lac N, INIn bulk.
Honey N, INIn bulk.
ChapraOecophylla smaragdinaN, INIn limited quantity.
KaranjPongamia pinnataN, INThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for oil.
NeemAzadirachta indicaN, INThis year’s harvest in bulk. Specific demand for Neem water or Mad.


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