Useful parts and collection norms for medicinal herbs added in Benincasa hispida based Traditional Herbal Formulations used in treatment of Insomnia by the Traditional Healers of Indian state Chhattisgarh

Contributor:Dr. Pankaj OudhiaInteractive TableID: 2524
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Useful parts and collection norms for medicinal herbs added in Benincasa hispida based Traditional Herbal Formulations used in treatment of Insomnia by the Traditional Healers of Indian state ChhattisgarhRelated Article.
Herbal FormulationsParts UsedCollection NormsInformation collected from
Herbal Formulation No.1SeedsOld trees are prepared. Fallen fruits are used.Durg region
Herbal Formulation No.2SeedsOld trees of forest origin are preferred. Allelopathic treatments are done before collection.Kanker region
Herbal Formulation No.3SeedsNo specific norm as it is purchased from local herb shops.Raipur region
Herbal Formulation No.4RootsOrganically grown plants are preferred. Allelopathic treatments are done before collection.Bilaspur region
Herbal Formulation No.5SeedsBlack type is preferred. Organically grown plants are preferred. Allelopathic treatments are done before collection.Dhamtari region
Herbal Formulation No.6SeedsPlants growing in Gram fields are preferred. Allelopathic treatments are done before collection.Durg region
Herbal Formulation No.7LeavesPlants growing in lateritic soil are avoided. Leaves are collected before flowering. Allelopathic treatments are done before collection.Gariaband region
Herbal Formulation No.8LeavesWild plants are preferred. Plants under stress are not used. Allelopathic treatments are done before collection.Rajnandgaon region
Herbal Formulation No.9SeedsOrganically grown plants are preferred. Matured seeds are used. Allelopathic treatments are done before collection.Mahasamund region
Herbal Formulation No.10SeedsOrganically grown plants are preferred.Raipur region
Herbal Formulation No.11PetalsIndigenous types are used. Disease free plants are preferred. Allelopathic treatments are done before collection.Ambikapur region
Herbal Formulation No.12PetalsRed type is used. Flowers preferred by Blister beetle are used. Allelopathic treatments are done before collection.Raigarh region


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