Positive and negative effects of Rudraksh plant parts alone and in combination with other herbs on selected medicinal herbs growing as weeds in surroundings.


Contributor:Dr. Pankaj OudhiaInteractive TableID: 2443
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Positive and negative effects of Rudraksh plant parts alone and in combination with other herbs on selected medicinal herbs growing as weeds in surroundings.
WeedsPositive/Negative effectsRemarks
DaturaNegativeRPP with other herbs
BhengraPositiveRPP with other herbs
BemchiNegativeRPP with other herbs
CharotaPositiveRPP with other herbs
BathuaPositiveRPP with other herbs
FudharPositiveRPP with other herbs
EkdandiPositiveRPP with other herbs
SatyanashiNegativeRPP with other herbs
Van TulsaPositiveRPP with other herbs
GummaNegativeRPP with other herbs
MuscainiPositiveRPP with other herbs
KarmattaNegativeRPP with other herbs
SawaNegativeRPP with other herbs
MothaPositiveRPP with other herbs
SarpatNegativeRPP with other herbs
KansNegativeRPP with other herbs
GotiphoolPositiveRPP with other herbs
RPP- Rudraksh Plant Parts.


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