Q. Please select some crops for me to introduce & promote in Orissa. Orissa has vast resources; but un/underutilized. We want to explore this condition.

Q. Please select some crops for me to introduce & promote in Orissa. Orissa has vast resources; but un/underutilized. We want to explore this condition.

SarpgandhaBachKasturi BhindiSteviaSafed MusliKevatchHadjodKalihariKeu KandGataranAloeAgaveAsgandh,ChandrashoorGudmar etc. are promising crops for your state. All crops are not suitable for all types of land. Cultivation after sufficient planning is key for success. 

For your queries on Indian Medicinal and Aromatic crops you can write to Pankaj Oudhia at pankajoudhia@gmail.com  Please write "Consultation" as subject.


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