Medicinal Plants used with Dipteracanthus prostratus (Poir.) Nees based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community

पंकज अवधिया का मेडीसिनल प्लांट डेटाबेस: जीवनरक्षक जड़ी-बूटियाँ-970
                          कृषि वैज्ञानिक एवम जैव-विविधता विशेषज्ञ पंकज अवधिया भारतीय जड़ी-बूटियों से सम्बन्धित पारम्परिक चिकित्सकीय ज्ञान का दस्तावेजीकरण कर रहे हैं| "जीवनरक्षक जड़ी-बूटियाँ" नामक यह श्रृंखला उनके हाल ही में किये गये वानस्पतिक सर्वेक्षणों पर आधारित है| अधिक जानकारी के लिए उनकी वेबसाईट पर जाएँ|

Medicinal Plants of India with reference to Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Orissa.

This picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia's guest lectures on Conservation Agriculture, Traditional Agricultural Knowledge and Climate Change Mitigation. And That's how Climate Change is affecting Traditional Healing in Asia.

This picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia's report on Indian Medicinal Plants used with Traditional Entomophagy and Entomotherpy.    
"Medicinal Plants used with Andrographis neesiana Wight var. neesiana based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Andrographis neesiana Wight var. producta Clarke based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Andrographis neesiana Wight var. rotundifolia Sreemadh. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Andrographis ovata (T. And. ex Bedd.) Benth. ex Clarke based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f.) Wall. ex Nees based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Andrographis rothii Clarke based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Andrographis serpyllifolia (Rottl. ex Vahl) Wight based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Andrographis stellulata Clarke based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Andrographis stenophylla Clarke based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Andrographis viscosula Nees based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Aphelandra deppeana Schlecht. & Cham. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Asystasia chelonoides Nees based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Asystasia crispata Benth. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Asystasia dalzelliana Sant. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Asystasia gangetica (L.) T. And. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Asystasia travancorica Bedd. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Barleria acuminata Nees based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Barleria buxifolia L. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Barleria courtallica Nees based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Barleria cristata L. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Barleria cuspidata Heyne ex Nees based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Barleria gibsonii Dalz. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Barleria involucrata Nees var. elata (Dalz.) Clarke based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Barleria longiflora L.f. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Barleria montana Nees based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Barleria mysorensis Heyne ex Roth based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Barleria nitida Nees based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Barleria noctiflora L.f. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Barleria paniculata Wall. ex Nees based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Barleria pilosa Wall. ex Nees based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Barleria prattensis Sant. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Barleria prionitis L. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Barleria strigosa Willd. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Barleria tomentosa Roth var. tomentosa based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Barleria tomentosa Roth var. glandulosa Fischer based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Barleria vestita T. And. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Blepharis maderaspatensis (L.) Heyne ex Roth based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Blepharis repens (Vahl) Roth based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Clinacanthus nutans (Burm.f. ) Lindau based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Crossandra infundibuliformis (L.) Nees based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Dicliptera cuneata Nees based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Dicliptera foetida (Forssk.) Blatter based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Dicliptera verticillata (Forssk.) Christensen based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Diotacanthus albiflorus (Bedd.) Benth. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Diotacanthus grandis (Bedd.) Benth. ex Clarke based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Dipteracanthus beddomei (C. B. Clarke) Santapau based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Dipteracanthus patulus (Jacq.) Nees based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Dipteracanthus prostratus (Poir.) Nees based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community"


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