World Literature on Medicinal Plants from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database -165

World Literature on Medicinal Plants from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database -165

World Literature on Medicinal Plants Quoted/Consulted/Modified/Improved/Discussed/Used/Corrected in Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database.

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Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Convolvulus spinosus BURM. F. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Convolvulus turpethum L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Conyza bonariensis (L.) CRONQ. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Conyza cinerea L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Conyza japonica (THUNB.) LESS. EX DC. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Conyza stricta WILLD. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Copernicia cerifera MART. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Coptis teeta WALL. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Corallocarpus epigaea HOOK. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Corallocarpus epigaeus BENTH. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Corbichonia decumbens EXELL. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Corchorus acutangulus AUCT.NON FORSK. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Corchorus aestuans L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Corchorus antichorus ROEUSCH. NULL based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Corchorus capsularis L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Corchorus depressus STOCKS based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Corchorus fascicularis LAM. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Corchorus olitorius L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Corchorus trilocularis L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Corchorus urticifolius WIGHT & ARM. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cordia dichotoma FORST. F. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cordia gharaf (FORSK.) EHRENB. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cordia grandis ROXB. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cordia latifolia ROXB. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cordia macleodii HOOK.F. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cordia monoica ROXB. NULL based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cordia myxa SENU CL. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cordia obliqua WILLD. wallichii (G.DON) CL. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cordia obliqua WILLD. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cordia rothii ROEM.& SCHULT. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cordia sebestena L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cordia vestita HOOK.F. & TH. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cordia wallichii G.DON based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cordyceps sinensis (BERK.)SAAC based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cordyline fruticosa GOEPPERT NULL based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cordyline terminalis (L.) KUNTH based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Coriandrum sativum L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Coriaria nepalensis WALL. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Coronilla picta WILLD. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Coronopus didymus (L.) SM. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cortia depressa (DON) NORM. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Corydalis adiantifolia HK.F. & T. NULL based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Corydalis flabellata EDGEW. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Corydalis govaniana WALL. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Corydalis meifolia WALL. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Corydalis ramosa WALL. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Corydalis rutifolia (SMITH) DC. NULL based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Corydalis vaginans ROYLE. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Corylus avellana L. NULL based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Corylus colurna L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Corylus jacquemonti DECNE. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Corymbis veratrifolia RCHB.F. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Corymborkis veratrifolia (REINW.) BL. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Corypha umbraculifera L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Coscinium fenestratum (GAERTN.) COLEB. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cosmostigma racemosa WT. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Costus arabicus L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Costus speciosus (KOEN. EX RETZ.) SM. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cotinus coggygria SCOP. NULL based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cotinus racemiflora (DESF.) C. KOCH NULL based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cotoneaster bacillaris WALL. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cotoneaster buxifolia WALL. NULL based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cotoneaster microphylla WALL. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cotoneaster microphyllus WALL. EX LINDL. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cotoneaster nummularia FISCH. & MEY. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cotula anthemoides L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cotula aurea Loefl. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cousinia thomsonii CLARKE based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crambe cordifolia STEVEN based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crassocephalum crepidioides (BTH.) MOORE based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crataegus laevigata (POIR.) DC. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crataegus oxyacantha L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crataegus songarica KOCH. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crataeva adansonii DC. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crataeva magna (LOUR.) DC. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crataeva marmelos L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crataeva nurvala SENSU KANJ. & DAS based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crataeva religiosa FORST. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crataeva tapia  based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cratoxylum cochinchinense (LOUR.) BLUME NULL based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cratoxylum neriifolium KURZ NULL based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cremanthodium arnicoides DC. GOOD trigida based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cremanthodium decaisnei CI. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cremanthodium plantagineum MAX. maximowiczii GOOD based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cremastra appendiculata (D.DON) MAKINO based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cremastra wallichiana LINDL. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crepidium acuminatum (D.DON) SZLAC. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crepis flexuosa (DC) BETH. & HK.F. EX CI. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crepis japonica BENTH. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crescentia cujete VELL. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cressa cretica L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crinum amoenum ROXB. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crinum asiaticum L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crinum defixum KER.-GAWL. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crinum latifolium L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crinum powellii HORT. album HORT. NULL based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crinum pratense HERB. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crinum revolutum HERB. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crinum viviparum (LAM.) HEMADRI based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crocus sativus L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crossandra infundobuliformis (L.) NEES based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crossandra undulaefolia SALISB. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crotalaria alata BUCH.-HAM. EX D. DON NULL based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crotalaria albida HEYNE EX ROTH. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crotalaria anagyroides H.B. & K. NULL based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crotalaria angulosa LAM. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crotalaria benghalensis LAM. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crotalaria bialata SCHR. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crotalaria biflora LINN. NULL based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crotalaria burhia BUCH-HAM. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crotalaria calycina SHR. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crotalaria juncea L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crotalaria laburnifolia L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crotalaria linifolia L.F. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crotalaria medicaginea LAM. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crotalaria mucronata DESV. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crotalaria mysorensis ROTH. NULL based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crotalaria pallida DRY. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crotalaria paniculata WILLD. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crotalaria prostrata ROTTL. EX WILLD. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crotalaria pulchra ANDR. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crotalaria quinquefolia L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crotalaria ramosissima ROXB. FL. NULL based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crotalaria retusa L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crotalaria saltiana ANDR. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crotalaria sericea RETZ based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crotalaria spectabilis ROTH. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crotalaria striata DC. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database,
Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crotalaria trifoliastrum WILLD. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Crotalaria verrucosa L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Croton argyratus BL. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Croton aromaticus L. NULL based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Croton bonplandianum BAILL. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Croton caudatus GEISEL. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Croton joufra ROXB. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Croton malabaricus BEDD. NULL based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Croton oblongifolius ROXB. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Croton plicatum VAHL based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Croton polyandrum ROXB. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Croton reticulatus HEYNE. NULL based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Croton roxburghii BALAK. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Croton sebiferum L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Croton sparsiflorus MORONG. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Croton tiglium L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Croton zeylanicus MUELL.-ARG. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cryptocarya wightiana THW. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cryptocoryne spiralis FISCH. EX WYDLER based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cryptolepis buchananii ROEMER & SCHULTES based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cryptolepis elegans WALL. EX G. DON. NULL based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cryptolepis grandiflora WIGHT based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cryptostegia grandiflora R.BR. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Ctenitis apiciflora (WALL. & METT) CHING.F. NULL based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Ctenolepis cerasiformis NAUD. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Ctenolepis garcinii BENTH. & HOOK.F. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cubeba officinalis RAFIN based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cucubalus baccifer L. NULL based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cucumis acutangulus DESCOURT based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cucumis agrestis NAUD. NULL based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cucumis anguinus L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cucumis callosus (ROTTL.) COGN. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cucumis colocynthis L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cucumis hardwickii ROYLE based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cucumis lagenarius DUM. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cucumis madraspatanus L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cucumis melo L. utilissimus DUTHIE & FULLER based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cucumis melo L. momordica DUTHIE & FULLER based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cucumis melo L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cucumis momordica ROXB. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cucumis myriocarpus NAUD. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cucumis prophetarum L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cucumis pseudo-colocynthi ROYLE based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cucumis pubescens WALL. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cucumis sativus L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cucumis trigonus ROXB. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cucumis utilissimus ROXB. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cucurbita citrullus L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cucurbita lagenaria L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cucurbita maxima DUCHESNE based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cucurbita moschata (LAM.) DUCHESNE EX POIR. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cucurbita pepo L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cudrania javanensis TREC. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cullenia exarillata ROBYNS based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cuminum cyminum L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Cupressus sempervirens L. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Curanga amara JUSS. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Curanga fel-terrae MERR. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Curculigo capitulata (LOUR) KUNTZE based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Curculigo crassifolia GEARTN. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Curculigo orchioides GAERTN. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Curculigo prainiana (DEB.) BENNET & RAIZ. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Curculigo recurvata DRYAND. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database, Oudhia, P. (1990-2012). Herbal Remedies used with Neem and Curcuma amada ROXB. based Traditional Formulations for Modern Diseases by Indigenous Nomadic Community. Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database,
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The effects of fungicides and fertilization on the control of black spot of citrus (Guignardia citricarpa).     1996
Aubert B
Trioza erytreae del Guercio and Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Homoptera: Psylloidea), the two vectors of citrus greening disease: Biological aspects and possible control strategies.           1987
Catling HD
Distribution of the psyllid vectors of citrus greening disease, with notes on the biology and bionomics of Diaphorina citri.                1970
Hollis D
A new citrus-feeding psyllid from the Comoro Islands, with a review of the Diaphorina amoena species group (Homoptera).                1987
Lee RF
Citrus greening disease and its vectors. 1996
Mead FW
The Asiatic citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Homoptera:Psyllidae).         1977
Miyakawa T, Zhao XY
Citrus host range of greening disease.    1990
Su HJ, Hung TH, Wu ML
Infection and spreading of citrus greening.          1995
Tang Y, Wu M
Interspecific host discrimination between two primary parasites on Asian citrus psyllid Diaphorina citri (Kuwayama).        1991
Tirtawidjaja S
Insect, dodder and seed transmissions of citrus vein phloem degeneration (CVPD).         1981
Ochoa F, Carvallo O, Trujillo G, Izaquirre MLMde, Lee RF
Biological characterization and evaluation of cross protection potential of citrus tristeza virus isolates in Venezuela.          1993
Moreno P, Guerri J, Ballester-Olmos JF, Fuertes-Polo C, Albiach R,Martinez M
Variations on pathogenicity and double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) patterns of citrus tristeza virus isolates induced by host passage.              1993
Manjunath KL, Pappu HR, Lee RF, Niblett CL, Civerolo EL
Studies on the coat protein genes of four isolates of citrus tristeza closterovirus from India: cloning, sequencing and expression.        1993
Cambra M, Camarasa E, Gorris MT, Garnsey SM, Gumpf DJ, Tsai MC
Epitope diversity of citrus tristeza virus isolates in Spain.                1993
Garnsey SM, Permar TA, Cambra M, Henderson CT
Direct tissue blot immunoassay (DTBIA) for detection of citrus tristeza virus (CTV).           1993
Gottwald TR, Cambra M, Moreno P
The use of serological assays to monitor spatial and temporal spread of citrus tristeza virus in symptomless trees in Eastern Spain.    1993
Grisoni M, Riviere C
Analysis of epidemics of citrus tristeza virus (CTV) in young citrus groves exposed to aphid infestation under different climatic conditions in Reunion Island       1993
Kyriakou A, Polycarpou D, Efstathiou A, Hadjinicoli A
Citrus tristeza virus in Cyprus.     1993
Zhao X, Zhou C, Jiang Y, He X, Cheng J, Cheng Z
Evaluation of tristeza tolerance of 45 citrus types.             1993
Rocha-Pena MA, Lee RF, Niblett CL
Effectiveness of different citrus species as donor hosts for graft transmission of citrus tristeza virus.        1993
Zabzami M, Hill JH, Van Deusen RA, Nadori EB
Characterization of monoclonal antibodies raised against citrus tristeza virus in Morocco.              1993
Roistacher CN, Dodds JA
Failure of 100 mild citrus tristeza virus isolates from California to cross protect against a challenge by severe sweet orange stem pitting isolates.      1993
Chakraborty NK, Ahlawat YS, Varma A, Chandra KJ, Ramapandu S, Kapur P
Serological reactivity in citrus tristez virus strains in India.              1993
Beretta MJ, Derrick KS, Lee RF, Barthe G, Rossetti V
Citrus declinio in Brazil: rate of spread and serological comparison with other declines.   1993
Ochoa F, Beretta MJG, Derrick KS, Lee RF, Rangel E
Comparison of citrus sudden decline from Venezuela with citrus blight from Florida and declinio from Brazil.       1993
Derrick KS, Barthe GA, Hewitt BG, Lee RF
Serological tests for citrus blight.               1993
Albrigo LG, Timmer LW, Derrick KS, Tucker DPH, Graham JH
Failure to transmit citrus blight by limb grafts.     1993
Lee RF, Marais LJ, Beretta MJG, Derrick KS
Apparent lack of transmission of citrus blight using bark patch inoculations.          1993
Byadgi AS, Ahlawat YS, Chakraborty NK, Varma A, Srivastava M, Milne RG
Characterization of a filamentous virus associated with citrus ringspot in India.   1993
Navas-Castillo J, Moreno P
Citrus ringspot diseases in Spain.              1993
Roistacher CN, Bash JA, Semancik JS
Distinct disease symptoms in Poncirus trifoliata induced by three citrus viroids from three specific groups.            1993
Levy L, Hadidi A
Direct nucleotide sequence of PCR-amplified DNAs of the closely related citrus viroids Iia and Iib (Cachexia).       1993
Garnsey SM, Lee RF, Semanick JS
Lack of cross-protection between citrus exocortis viroid and citrus viroids associated with mild stymnptoms in Etrog citron.                1993
Pires Leitao TM, Romero J, Duran-Vila N
Detection of pathogenesis related proteins associated with viroid infection in citrus.       1993
Duran-Vila N, Pina JA, Navarro L
Improved indexing of citrus viroids.         1993
Garnier M, Bove JM
Citrus greening disease and the greening bacterium.      1993
Ke C, Ke S, Wu RF, Tang H, Hsu PT
Purification and serology of the organism associated with citrus huanglungbin.   1993
Korsten L, Sanders GM, Su HJ, Garnier M, Bove JM, Kotze JM
Detection of citrus greening-infected citrus in South Africa by immunofluorescence and enzyme-linked immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) using monoclonal antibodies and a DNA probe.     1993
Buitendag CH, von Broembsen LA
Living with citrus greening in South Africa.            1993
Koizumi M, Prommintara M, Linwattana G, Kaisuwan T
Field evaluation of citrus cultivars for greening disease resistance in Thailand.     1993
Varma A, Ahlawat YS, Chakraborty NK, Garnier M, Bove JM
Detection of greening BLO by electron microscipy, DNA hybridization in citrus leaves with and without mottle from various regions in India.                1993
Chavan VM, Summanwar AS
Population dynamics and aspects of the biology of citrus psylla, Diaphorina citri Kuw., in Maharashtra.    1993
Beretta MJG, Garcia A, Lee RF, Derrick KS, Barthe G, Thome Neto J
Observations on citrus variegated chlorosis in Brazil.        1993
Chang CJ, Garnier M, Zrfeik L, Rossetti V, Bove JM
Citrus variegated chlorosis: cultivation of the causal bacterium and experimental reproduction of the disease.    1993
Garnier M, Chang CJ, Zreik L, Rossetti V, Bove JM
Citrus variegated chlorosis: serological detection of Xylella fastidiosa, the baceterium associated with the disease.           1993
Beretta MJG, Lee RF, Barthe GA, Thome Neto J, Derrick KS, Davis CL
Citrus variegated chlorosis: detection of Xylella fastidiosa in symptomless trees.                1993
Brlansky RH, Davis CL, Lee RF, Timmer LW
Immunogold localization of xylem-inhabiting bacteria affecting citrus in Argentina and Brazil.       1993
de Coll OR, Agostini JP, Timmer LW, Brlansky RH
Survey of sharpshooters in citrus orchards with decline diseases in Misiones, Argentina.               1993
Gottwald TR, Gidtti FB, Santos JM, Carvalho AC
Preliminary spatial and temporal analysis of citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC) in Sao Paulo, Brazil.               1993
Iwanami T, Omura M, Ieki H
Susceptibility of several citrus relatives to Satsuma dwarf virus. 1993
Jacomino AP, Salibe AA
Occurrence of woody gall disease in citrus in Sao Paulo State, Brazil.        1993
Hermoso de Mendoza A, Pina JA, Ballester-Olmos JF, Navarro L
Persistent transmission of citrus vein enation virus by Aphis gossypii and Myzus persicae.             1993
Zhou C, Zhao X, Jiang Y
Goutoucheng - a new indicator plant for citrus mosaic virus.        1993
Lee RF, Derrick KS, Futch SH, Tucker DPH
Graft transmission of citrus measles.      1993
Caruso A, Davino M, Terranova G
Observations on impietratura disease symptoms in four citrus species.  1993
Navarro L
Citrus sanitation, quarantine and certification programs.               1993
Salibe AA, Crocomo OJ, Tubelis A, Gallo LA, de Oliveria ET
A new program for citrus budwood improvement in Sao Paulo, Brazil.    1993
Cinar C, Kersting U, Onelge N, Korkmaz S, Sas G
Citrus virus and virus-like disease in the Eastern Mediterranean Region of Turkey.            1993
Goral T, Tasdemir HA, Tavarci T, Mermer S, Goral S, Kelten M, Tasdemir T,Gunes S, Goemen M
The citrus variety improvement program in Turkey.         1993
Lovisolo O
Agro-ecology and centers of grigin of granft-transmissible diseases of citrus.       1993
Catara A, Laviola C, Davino M, Grimaldi V
Citrus virus and virus-like diseases in Mozambique.         1993
Kano T, Koizumi M
Limited cross protection by a protective strain of citrus tristeza virus (CTV) against challenge inoculation by grafting.        1993
Rossetti V, Beretta MJG, Texieira ARR
Transmission trials of citrus declinio using various inocula.             1993
Derrick KS, Lee RF, Hewitt BG, Barthe GA
Spiroviruses: a new group of serologically diverse plant viruses associated with citrus psorosis and ringspot.        1993
Garcia ML, Derrick KS, Grau O
Citrus psorosis associated virus and citrus ringspot virus belongs to a new virus group.    1993
da Graca JV, Bar-Joseph M, Derrick KS
Immunoblot detection of citrus psorosis in Israel using citrus ringspot antiserum.              1993
La Rosa R, Tessitori M, Albanese G, Catara A, Davino M
Diagnosis of citrus exocortis and hot stunt-homologous citrus viroids by oligonucleotide probes.               1993
Pandey PK, Ahlawat YS, Varma A, Kapur SP
Viroid diseases of citrus in India.               1993
Lama TK, Amatya P
Survey of the incidence of citrus greening disease and its psylla vector in Nepal and Bhutan.        1993
Rossetti V
Citrus variegated chlorosis, a new severe disease in Brazil: a review.        1993
Ahlawat YS, Chakraborty NK, Jagadishchandra K, Srivastava M, Varma A
Association of a rhabdovirus with yellow vein mosaic, a new disease of citrus.    1993
Azad P
Reduction in yield of acid limes infected with citrus corky vein virus in Assam.     1993
Varma A, Atiri G
Virus and virus-like diseases of citrus in Nigeria. 1993
Skaria M
Status of citrus tristeza virus in Texas, and its potential for spread.            1993
Anvari F, Ebrahimi Y
Evaluation of three new citrus natural hybrids in regard to citrus tristeza virus in Northern Iran.  1993
Rocha-Pena M, Lee RF, Niblett CL
Effects of mild isolates of citrus tristeza virus on the development of tristeza decline.     1993
Arora RK, Daulta BS
Studies on the possible causes of citrus decline in various stionic combinations of grapefruit.       1993
Singh B, Rethy P
Study on the effect of micrnutrients on the intensity of citrus die-back. 1993
Anvari F, Ebrahimi Y
Assay to check seed transmission of citrus exocortis viroid in northern Iran.         1993
Mali VR, Ghaudhuri KG
Occurrence of citrus virus and virus-like diseases in Maharashtra India.  1993
Su HJ, Hung TH, Tsai MC
Detection of the fastidious bacterium causing Asian citrus greening by DNA probes.        1993
Kapur SP, Thind SK, Cheema SS, Sori HS
Status of citrus greening disease in the Punjab and its management.       1993
Korsten L, Sanders GM, Hall AN, Verschoor JA
Development of monoclonal antibodies for detection of citrus greening in South Africa.                1993
Terranova G, Caruso A, Starrantino A
The citrus improvement program and the foundation block of the Citrus Experimental Institute of Acireal (Italy).              1993
Samways M
Biogeography and monitoring outbreaks of the African citrus psylla, Trioza erytreae (del Guercio).           1990
Aubert B, Xia YH
Monitoring flight activity of Diaphorina citri on citrus and Murraya camopies.       1990
Osman, Quilici S
Trapping studies of citrus greening vectory Diaphorina citri Kuway, natural enemies and alternate hosts in Malaysia.        1991
Beretta MJG, Barthe GA, Ceccardi TL, Lee RF Derrick KS
A survey for strains of Xylella fastidiosa in citrus affected by citrus variegated chlorosis and citrus blight in Brazil.                1997
Wutscher HK, Cervantes A, Derrick KS
Citrus blight found In Yucatan, Mexico.  1997
Beretta MJG, Barthe GA, Ceccardi TL, Lee RF, Derrick KS
A survey for strains of Xylella fastidiosa in citrus affected by citrus variegated chlorosis and citrus blight in Brazil.                1997
Jagoueix S, Bové JM, Garnier M
"Comparison of the 16S/23S ribosomal intergenic regions of ""Candidatus Liberobacter asiaticum"" and ""Candidatus Liberobacter africanum,"" the two species associated with Citrus Huanglongbing (Greening)."    1997
Jagoueix S, Bové JM, Garnier M
PCR detection of the two 'Candidatus' liberobacter species associated with greening disease of citrus.   1996
Koizumi M, Prommintara M, Linwattana G, Kaisuwan T
Epidemiological aspects of citrus huanglongbing (greening) disease in Thailand. 1997
Nakashima K, Prommintara M, Ohtsu Y, Kano T, Imada J, Koizumi M
Detection of 16S rDNA of Thai isolates of bacterium-like organisms associated with greening disease of citrus.    1996
Lee RF, Devi Prasad PV, Manjunath KL
Citrus viroids associated with citrus trees declining on Swingle citrumelo rootstock in Florida.       1997
Herron C, Skaria M
Isolation and partial characterization of citrus tatter leaf virus isolates from Texas.            1997
Magome H, Yoshikawa N, Takahashi T, Ito T, Miyakawa T
Molecular variability of the genomes of Capilloviruses from apple, Japanese pear, European pear, and citrus trees.          1997
Ohira K, Namba S, Rosanov M, Kusumi T, Tsuchizaki T
Complete sequence of an infectious full length cDNA clone of citrus tatter leaf capillovirus: comparative sequence analysis of capillovirus genomes.               1995
Yoshikawa N, Imaizumi M, Takahashi T, Inouye N
Striking similarities between the nucleotide sequence and genome organization of citrus tatter leaf virus and apple stem grooving capilloviruses  1993
Nikolaeva OV, Karasev AV, Powell CA, Garnsey SM, Lee RF
Modulation of the antigenic reactivity of the citrus tristeza virus coat protein.     1997
Lee RF, Pappu HR, Pappu SS, Rocha-Pena MA, Febres VJ, Manjunath KL,Nikolaeva OV, Karasev AV, Cevik B, Akbulut M, Benscher D, Anderson EJ,Ochoa F, Niblett CL
Progress on strain differentiation of citrus tristeza virus 1997
Rocha-Pena MA, Lee RF, Yokomi RK
Biological properties and aphid transmission of selected citrus tristeza virus isolates from Florida.              1997
Cepeda-Nieto, Barrera-Salda HA
Cloning and sequencing of the coat protein gene of a new isolate of citrus tristeza virus from Mexico.    1997
Garnsey SM, Korkmaz S, Henderson CT
Tissue immunoprints provide a rapid tool to monitor production of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies to citrus viruses.                1997
Hilf ME, Garnsey SM
Some molecular comparisons of Florida citrus tristeza virus isolates (CTV) with isolates from California.   1997
Manjunath KL, Chandrika R, Niblett CL, Lee RF
Detection of citrus tristeza virus strains in mixed infections by ribonuclease protection assays.    1997
Mathews DM, Riley K, Dodds JA
Comparison of detection methods for citrus tristeza virus in field trees during months of non-optimal titer.         1997
Niblett CL, Febres VJ, Cevik B, Lee RF, Nolasco G
Differentiation of citrus tristeza virus strains in Florida, mainland Portugal and Madeira and Reunion Islands.        1997
Nikolaeva OV, Karasev AV, Garnsey SM, Dawson WO, Lee RF
Antigenic structure of citrus tristeza virus.            1997
Skaria M, French JV
Citrus tristeza virus incidence and partial characterization of Isolates collected from non-commercial cultivars in Texas.   1997
Aguilar AMF, Fernandes A, Ilharco FA
On the sudden appearance and spread of the black citrus aphid Toxoptera citricida (Kirkaldy), (Homoptera:Aphidoidea) on the island of Madeira.    1994
Pappu HR, Pappu SS, Lee RF, Cambra M, Moreno P, Garnsey SM, Niblett CL
The molecular basis for the antigenic diversity of citrus tristeza virus: Implications for virus detection.     1994
Shafeei V, Izadpanah K
Report of citrus tristeza virus in southern Iran.   1996
Luck RF, Gumpf DJ, Morse JG
A summary of citrus pest problems in the Near East        1996
Morse JG, Gumpf DJ, Luck RF
Recommendations for citrus pest problems in the Near East       1996
Bove JM, Navarro L, Bonnet P, Zreik L, Garnier M
Reaction of citrus cultivars to graft-inoculation of Phytoplasma aurantifolia-infected lime shoots.              1997
Tian Y, Kee S, Ke C
Polymerase chain reaction for detection and quantitation of Liberobacter asiaticum, the bacterium associated with Huanglongbing (greening) of citrus in China.        1997
Roistacher CN
The economics of living with citrus diseases: Huanglongbing (greening) in Thailand.          1996
Nickel O, Couto RCS, Coelho YS, Vilarinhos AD, Oliveira RP
Proteins assoicated with transmission of citrus declinio in Bahia, Brazil.   1997
Lee RF, Garnsey SM
Citrus Virus and viruslike pathogens: a continuing evolution of progress and problems    1997
Mathews DM, Riley K, Dodds JA
Comparison of ELISA and PCR for the sensitive detection of citrus tristeza virus (CTV) in pooled leaf samples from sweet orange groves with a low incidence of infection 1997
Cevik B, Pappu SS, Pappu HR, Benscher D, Irey M, Lee RF, Niblett CL
Application of bi-directional PCR to citrus tristeza virus: detection and strain differentiation          1997
Manjunath KL, Hooker M, Pappu HR, Pappu SS, Powell CA, Bar-Joseph M,Niblett CL, Lee RF
Synthesis of a functional single-chain antibody against citrus tristeza closterovirus in bacteria      1997
Cevik B, Pappu SS, Pappu HR, Tight D, Benscher D, Futch SH, Rucks P,Lee RF, and Niblett CL
Molecular cloning and sequencing of coat protein genes of citrus tristeza virus isolated from Meyer lemon and Homely tangor trees in Florida    1997
Moreno P, Guerri J, Albiach MR, Ballester-Olmos JF, Martínez ME
Interference between citrus tristeza virus (CTV) isolates detected by analysis of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)                1997
Nickel O, Santos Filho HP, Vilarinhos AD
Segregation of Citrus tristeza virus strains by graft propagation  1997
Peñaranda J, Acosta O, Guzmán-Barney M, Alegria A, Pappu HR, Pappu SS, Manjunath KL, Febres VJ, Lee RF, and Niblett CL
Incidence and characterization of mild and severe isolates of citrus tristeza virus from Colombia                1997
Zhou C, Zhao X, Jiang Y, and Tang K
Characterization of citrus tristeza virus isolates infecting pummelo and sweet orange in Sichuan Province, China                1997
Yokomi RK, Rivera D, Garnsey SM, Gottwald TR, Abreu-Rodriguez E,Damsteegt V, Stansly PA, Febres VJ, Niblett CL
Incidence of brown citrus aphid and citrus tristeza virus in Puerto Rico    1997
Garnsey SM, Gottwald TR, Borbón JC
Rapid dissemination of mild isolates of citrus tristeza virus following introduction of Toxoptera citricida in the Dominican Republic               1996
Gottwald TR, Garnsey SM, Sediles-Jean A, Rojas-Solís A
Co-Diffusion of Serologically Distinct isolates of citrus tristeza virus vectored by Toxoptera citricida in northern Costa Rica                1997
Gottwald TR, Garnsey SM, Cambra M, Moreno P, Irey M, and Borbón J
Differential effects of Toxoptera citricida vs. Aphis gossypii on temporal increase and spatial patterns of spread of citrus tristeza 1997
Tang YQ, Yokomi RK, Brown LG
Parasitoids for biological control of brown citrus aphid: recent observations         1997
Garnsey SM, Su HJ, Tsai MC
Differential Susceptibility of Pummelo and Swingle Citrumelo to Isolates of Citrus Tristeza Virus 1997
Albiach MR, da Graça JV, van Vuuren SP, Guerri J, Cambra M, Laigret F,Moreno P
The effects of different hosts and natural disease pressure on molecular profiles of mild isolates of citrus tristeza virus (CTV)     1997
Zhou C, Zhao X, and Jiang Y
Boat-shaped leaf symptoms of Satsuma mandarin associated with citrus tristeza virus (CTV)        1997
van Vuuren SP, da Graça JV
Effects of citrus tristeza virus isolates and a citrus viroid isolate on growth and production of Delta Valencia on Yuma citrange rootstock           1997
Marais LJ, Marais ML, Rea M
Effect of Citrus Tristeza Stem Pitting on Fruit Size andYield of Marsh Grapefruit in Southern Africa             1997
Dodds JA, Riley K, Polek M
Effect of suppression by tree removal on the incidence of citrus tristeza virus in California            1997
Kyriakou A, Ioannou N, Gavriel J, Bar-Joseph M, Papayiannis Chr, Kapari-Isaia Th, Savva G
Management of citrus tristeza virus in Cyprus     1997
Lovisolo O, Colariccio A, Chagas CM, Rossetti V, Kitajima EW, Harakava R
Partial characterization of citrus leprosis virus     1997
Milne RG, Djelouah K, Garcia ML, Dal Bo E, Grau O
Structure of Citrus Ringspot-Psorosis-Associated Virus Particles: Implications for Diagnosis and Taxonomy            1997
da Graça JV Skaria M
Citrus tatter leaf virus in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas    1997
Iwanami T, Ieki H
Nucleotide sequence of the 3'-terminal region of citrus mosaic virus RNA1           1997
Ahlawat YS, Varma A, Pant RP, Shukla A, Lockhart BEL
Partial characterization of a badnavirus associated with citrus yellow mosaic disease in India        1997
Chen G, Wang H, Yan S, and CN Roistacher CN
Occurrence and Detection of Citrus Vein Enation Virus in Huangyan, Zhejiang, China        1997
Kersting U, Korkmaz S, Çinar A, Ertugrul B, Önelge N, Garnsey SM
Citrus chlorotic dwarf, a new whitefly-transmitted disease in the Eastern Mediterranean Region of Turkey          1997
Tessitori M, La Rosa R, Albanese G, Catara A
PCR diagnosis of some citrus viroids in field samples        1996
Önelge N, Çinar A, Kersting U, Semancik JS
Viroids associated with citrus gummy bark disease of sweet orange in Turkey     1996
Ochasan JM, Amoy ML, Guerrero MB, Verzola EA
Occurrence of Graft-Transmissible Diseases of Citrus in the Highlands of Northern Luzon, Philippines      1997
Xiao Q, Wu L, Liu X, Pan C, Liao Z
Establishment of a Virus-Free Citrus Propagation System in Hunan Province, China           1997
Çinar A, Kersting U, Önelge N, Korkmaz S
An Alternative Approach on Citrus Certification in Turkey              1997
Song R, Wu R, and Ke C
Elimination of Citrus Pathogens by Shoot-Tip Grafting and the Establishment of Citrus Germplasm in Fujian Province, China                1997
Zhang T
Effective Methods for the Elimination of Citrus Tatter Leaf Virus by Thermotherapy and Shoot-Tip Grafting          1997
Akbulut M, Baloglu S, Momol EA, Pappu HR, Pappu SS, Febres VJ, Yilmaz MA, Lee RF, Niblett CL
Comparison of the Capsid Protein Gene Sequences of Five Turkish Isolates of Citrus Tristeza Virus           1997
Herradura LE, Magnaye LV, Alforque MA
Strains of Citrus Tristeza Virus in the Philippines 1997
Müller GW, Guirado N, deFigueiredo JO, Machado MA, Laranjeira FF,deCastro JL
Citrus Tristeza Virus Causes Stem Pitting in Rangpur Lime Rootstock Grafted with Some Mandarin Cultivars in Capão Bonito, Brazil     1997
Rossetti V
Transmission of Citrus Leprosis Disease (CL) - A Review  1997
Garcia ML, Sanchez de la Torre ME, Costa N, Grau O
Detection of Citrus Ringspot Virus and Citrus Psorosis-Associated Virus Using PCR             1997
Kawai A, Tsukamoto T, Namba S, Nishio T
Citrus Tatter Leaf Virus: A Review of its Properties and the Development of a Serological Detection System         1997
Ieki H, Ito T
Occurrence of Concave Gum on Hyuganatsu (Citrus tamurana) in Japan 1997
Wan S, Hu W, Chen C, Fong
Detection of Citrus Exocortis Viroid by In Vitro Inoculation of Callus Culture          1997
Ochoa F, LaRosa R, Albanese G, Tessitori M, Fuggetta E
Survey of Citrus Viroids in Venezuela      1997
Peng W, Zhang Y, Zhao X, Li G
Survey and Indexing for Citrus Exocortis and Other Viroids in Sichuan Province   1997
Miao HO, Skaria M, Solís-Garcia N
Detection of Viroids in Five Commercial Citrus Cultivars in Texas                1997
Roistacher CN, Canton H, Reddy PS
The Economics of Living with Citrus Viroids in Belize,        1997
Beretta MJG, Harakava R, Derrick KS, Lee RF, Laranjeira FF
The Distribution of Xylella fastidiosa in Citrus Variegated Chlorosis-Affected Trees            1997
Beretta MJG, Rodas V, Garcia AJr, Derrick KS
Control of Citrus Variegated Chlorosis by Pruning              1997
Le Thi Thu Hong, Nguyen VVan Hoa, Huynh Tri duc, Lam Thi My Nuong,Huynh Van Thanh
Preliminary Results on the Observation of Virus and Virus-Like Diseases of Citrus in the Mekong Delta Region of Vietnam                1997
Lama TK
Present Status of Virus and Virus-Like Diseases of Citrus in Nepal              1997
Zhao X, Zhang C, Li L, Xiong X, Wu Z, Li M, Jiang Y, Zhou C, Huang Z, Liao G
The Development of Virus-Free Citrus Propagation in Chongqing, China                1997
Li L, Huang Z, Qi J, Zhang J, Liang A
Modification of the Shoot-Tip Grafting Method for Citrus             1997
Mawassi M, Karasev AV, Mietkiewska E, Gafny R, Lee RF, Dawson WO,Bar-Joseph B
Defective RNA Molecules Associated with Citrus Tristeza Virus   1997
Gago-Zachert S, Dewey RA, Moreno P, Semorile L, Grau O
Comparison of a p27 Gene Fragment Among Biologically Diverse Spanish Isolates of Citrus Tristeza Virus               1997
Hadjinicolis A, Mawassi M, Gofman R, Kyriakou A, Ben-Shalom Y, Timar D, Bar-Joseph M
Convenient Detection of Citrus Tristeza Virus by the Simple Soaking of Stem Slices in Wells of ELISA Plates (sELISA)          1997
Chen G, Wang H, Yan S
Indexing of Gou Tou Cheng Seeds for Citrus Tristeza Virus            1997
Skaria M
Status of Tristeza in Non-Commercial Citrus in Texas       1997
Bar-Joseph M, Oren Y, Timar D
Four Decades of Eradication and Suppression Attempts for Citrus Tristeza Virus in Israel                1997
Wu T, Du Y, Li L, Deng S, Wu S, Luo Z
Detection and Elimination of Citrus Tatter Leaf Virus        1997
Wu T, Deng S, and Wu S
Non-Association of Citrus Tatter Leaf Virus with Yellow Ring Disease        1997
Shu GP, Wu DX
Satsuma Green Wilt: a New Citrus Disease           1997
Wu DX, Hu QX
Symptoms and Characterization of the Isoenzymes Induced by Several Citrus Viroid Isolates       1997
Gleeson MT, Gillings MR, Broadbent P, Dephoff C, Franks N, Barchia I
Temperature Effects on Replication of Citrus Viroids in Callus Culture      1997
Li L, Huang Z, Zhang J, Qi J, Liang A
Incidence and Control of Citrus Exocortis in Several Counties of Sichuan Province of China            1997
Qiu Z, Zhou Q, Quan J
The Northward Movement of Citrus Psylla (Diaphorina citri Kuwayama) in Guangxi, China             1997
Gravena S, Beretta MJG, Paiva PEB, Gallão R, Yamamoto PT
Seasonal Abundance and Natural Enemies of Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) in Citrus Orchards of São Paulo State, Brazil     1997
Laranjeira FF, Guirado N, Beretta MJG, Derrick KS, Lee RF
Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of Citrus Blight in Brazil   1997
Liu G-s, Chen G-j
The Damage Caused by Virus and Virus-Like Diseases of Citrus and Measures for Control in Anhua County, Hunan Province, China     1997
Bove JM, Vogel R
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Citrus psylla a vector of the greening disease of sweet orange    1965
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Symptoms of stubborn disease in citrus and Poncirus trifoliata grafted onto virus-infected seedlings.      1969
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A leaf insert graft used for virus transmission in citrus     1972
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