Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salvia sclarea L. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases

Life Saving Medicinal Plants from Pankaj Oudhia's Medicinal Plant Database-2908

                       पंकज अवधिया का मेडीसिनल प्लांट डेटाबेस: जीवनरक्षक जड़ी-बूटियाँ

कृषि वैज्ञानिक एवम जैव-विविधता विशेषज्ञ पंकज अवधिया भारतीय जड़ी-बूटियों से सम्बन्धित पारम्परिक चिकित्सकीय ज्ञान का दस्तावेजीकरण कर रहे हैं| "जीवनरक्षक जड़ी-बूटियाँ" नामक यह श्रृंखला उनके हाल ही में किये गये वानस्पतिक सर्वेक्षणों पर आधारित है| अधिक जानकारी के लिए उनकी वेबसाईट पर जाएँ|

Medicinal Plants of India with reference to Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh.

This picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia's guest lectures on Conservation Agriculture, Traditional Agricultural Knowledge and Climate Change Mitigation. And That's how Climate Change is affecting Traditional Healing in Asia.

This picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia's report on Indian Medicinal Plants used with Traditional Entomophagy and Entomotherapy.

This picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia's report on Vedic Farming of major Indian crops.

This picture is part of Pankaj Oudhia’s online reports titled

-Common Medicinal Herbs and Herbal Formulations in Traditional Healing of Orissa and Karnataka,

-Medicinal Crops and Conservation Agriculture,

-Sustainable Harvesting of Medicinal Herbs: Lessons from Traditional Healers of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Orissa,

-Herbs used with Entomotherapy in Indian state Chhattisgarh,

-Less researched medicinal herbs with Antiarthritic activity, 

-Less researched medicinal herbs with Antidiabetic activity,

-Less researched medicinal herbs with Antisickling activity,

-Immunity boosters in Indian Traditional Healing,

-Forgotten Hepatoprotective Herbs of Central India,

-Renoprotective Herbs used by Traditional Healers of Indian Tribes,

-Antisnake venom medicinal plants and Traditional Snake Experts,

-Cancerous Wound healing through Forest Flora,

-Herbs for Longer Sex Duration and Extra-ordinary Sexual Performances recommended by Traditional Sex Gurus living in far forest,

-Herbs used by Indian Tribes: Interactions with Young Healers,

-Impact of barrier plants in management of yellow mosaic virus diseases of soybean.

-Impact of wild herbs on Fusarium wilt of Arhar (Cajanus cajan).

-Role of forest herbs in management of fungal infection of rice grains in storage.

-Forgotten Herbal Formulations for Rice blast.

-Traditional Formulations still effective against sheath rot disease of rice.

-Indigenous ways to manage root rot of cowpea.

-Promising Herbs from Mother Nature’s Experimental Fields for management of fruit rot of Chilli.

-Traditional Healers recommendations for bulb-rot of Garlic.

-Medicinal Herbs effective against Rhizome rot of Ginger.

-May I suggest some promising Herbal Formulations for Early blight of Tomato?

-Management of downy mildew of Pearlmillet in Organic farming with the help of Traditional Agriculture Knowledge,

-Management of grassy shoot disease of Sugarcane in Organic farming with the help of Traditional Agriculture Knowledge,

-Management of leaf blight of Black Gram in Organic farming with the help of Traditional Agriculture Knowledge,

-Management of Phyophthora wilt of Betelvine in Organic farming with the help of Traditional Agriculture Knowledge,

-Management of Fusarium wilt of Brinjal in Organic farming with the help of Traditional Agriculture Knowledge,

-Management of tikka and rust diseases of Groundnut in Organic farming with the help of Traditional Agriculture Knowledge,

-Management of pre-emergence damping off of Brinjal in Organic farming with the help of Traditional Agriculture Knowledge,

-Global Herbal Market in year 2012 onwards

-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Indian Herb Growers

-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with African Traditional Healers

-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Naga Sadhus on Himalayan Flora

-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Sadhus on Vedic Herbs

-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Healers of Nepal on Soma

-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Herb Traders on decreasing availability of  Life Saving Medicinal Plants

-Pankaj Oudhia’s interactions with Traditional Healers of Himalaya on Keeda Jadi based Formulations and its improvement

-10,000 Ethnobotanical uses of Indian Therapeutic Orchids

-100 simple ways for Prevention of Diabetes

-30 most promising ways to manage Diabetes type2 with the help of Ancient Knowledge

-Say Goodbye to Urticaria with the help of wild tubers

-Pankaj Oudhia’s experiences on Dental Regeneration

-Herbal alternatives of endangered bird species used in Traditional Healing as promising medicines

-          5000 Promising Herbs used globally to manage Nilaparvata lugens (Stal.) in Rice crop,

-           Pest Management in Rice through Indigenous approach using wild herbs

-           Management of pest in lowland rainfed Rice through Traditional Agriculture Knowledge

-          Go to forest if you want to grow toxin free rice without pest

-          Novel approach to develop insect resistant Rice through Traditional Allelopathic Knowledge

-          1000 potential medicinal herbs beneficial for rice growth in rainfed conditions

-          Impact of Rice Allelopathy on medicinal properties of weeds used as life saving medicines

-          500 promising herbs to enhance the performance of Neem for management of Rice pest

-          Management of Rice pest in Vedic Farming

- Medicinal Herbs from Malvaceae for organic farming of Rice

- Medicinal Herbs from Fabaceae for organic farming of Rice

- Medicinal Herbs from Orchidaceae for organic farming of Rice

- Medicinal Herbs from Euphorbiaceae for organic farming of Rice

- Medicinal Herbs from Amaranthaceae for organic farming of Rice

- Medicinal Herbs from Acanthaceae for organic farming of Rice

- Medicinal Herbs from Araceae for organic farming of Rice

- Medicinal Herbs from Rutaceae for organic farming of Rice

- Medicinal Herbs from Apocynaceae for organic farming of Rice

- Medicinal Herbs from Meliaceae for organic farming of Rice

- Medicinal Herbs from Liliaceae for organic farming of Rice

- Medicinal Herbs from Sapindaceae for organic farming of Rice

- Traditional Agriculture Knowledge for Management of Asiatic Rice Borer-

- Pest Management in rainfed wetland Rice through Traditional Agriculture Knowledge

- 1000 potential herbs from Chhattisgarh for Rice Mutation Breeding

- 100 potential herbs from Jharkhand for Rice Mutation Breeding

- 100 potential herbs from Orissa for Rice Mutation Breeding

- 100 potential herbs from Maharashtra for Rice Mutation Breeding

- 100 potential herbs from West Bengal for Rice Mutation Breeding

- 100 potential herbs from Andhra Pradesh for Rice Mutation Breeding

- 100 potential herbs from Bihar for Rice Mutation Breeding

This picture is part of Pankaj Oudhia’s E-book series (The list is given below)

Medicinal Plants of Acanthaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Aceraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Agavaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Aizoaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Alismataceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Alliaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

 Medicinal Plants of Altingiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

 Medicinal Plants of Amaranthaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Amaryllidaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Anacardiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

 Medicinal Plants of Annonaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

 Medicinal Plants of Apiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

 Medicinal Plants of Apocynaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Araceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Araliaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Arecaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Aristolochiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

 Medicinal Plants of Asparagaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Asphodelaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Asteraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

 Medicinal Plants of Balsaminaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Berberidaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

 Medicinal Plants of Betulaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

 Medicinal Plants of Bignoniaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Boraginaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

 Medicinal Plants of Brassicaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Bromeliaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Cactaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Campnaulaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Cannabaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Cannaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Caryophyllaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Caprifoliaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

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 Medicinal Plants of Convallariaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Convolvulaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Cornaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

 Medicinal Plants of Costaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Crassulaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Cucurbitaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Cyperaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

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Medicinal Plants of Fagaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Fumariaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Gentianaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

 Medicinal Plants of Geraniaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Gesneriaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Goodeniaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Grossulariaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Haemodoraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Hamamelidaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Heliconiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Hippocastanaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Hydrangeaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Hydrophyllaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Illiciaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Iridaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Juglandaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

 Medicinal Plants of Juncaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Lamiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

 Medicinal Plants of Lauraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Lentibulariaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Liliaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

 Medicinal Plants of Loasaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Loranthaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Lythraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Magnoliaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Malvaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Malpighiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Marantaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Melanthiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

 Medicinal Plants of Moraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

 Medicinal Plants of Musaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Nyctaginaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Nymphaeaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Oleaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

 Medicinal Plants of Onagraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

 Medicinal Plants of Orchidaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

 Medicinal Plants of Orobanchaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

 Medicinal Plants of Oxalidacea and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Papaveraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Parnassiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Philydraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Phytolaccaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Piperaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Pittosporaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Platanaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Poaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

 Medicinal Plants of Polemoniaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

 Medicinal Plants of Polygonaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Pontederiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Portulacaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

 Medicinal Plants of Primulaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Proteaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Pyrolaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Ranunculaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

 Medicinal Plants of Rhamnaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Rosaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

 Medicinal Plants of Rubiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Rutaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Salicaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Sapindaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

 Medicinal Plants of Sarraceniaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Saxifragaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

 Medicinal Plants of Schisandraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Scrophulariaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Solanaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Strelitziaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Styracaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

 Medicinal Plants of Themidaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Tofieldiaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Trilliaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Typhaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Ulmaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Urticaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Verbenaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Violaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

 Medicinal Plants of Viscaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Vitaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Winteraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Zingiberaceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,

Medicinal Plants of Zosteraceae and related Herbal Formulations for Microvascular Angina,       
"Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Saccharum arundinaceum RETZ. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Saccharum bengalense RETZ. NULL based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Saccharum ciliare ANDERS. NULL based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Saccharum fuscum ROXB. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Saccharum munja ROXB. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Saccharum officinarum L. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Saccharum robustum L. NULL based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Saccharum sara ROXB. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Saccharum sinense ROXB. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Saccharum spontaneum L. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Sacciolepis indica CHASE based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Sacciolepis interrupta (WILLD.) STAPF. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Saccolabium guttatum LINDL. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Saccolabium papillosum LINDL. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Saccolabium praemorsum HOOK NULL based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Sageraea dalzelli BEDD. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Sageraea laurifolia (GRAHAM) BLATTER based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Sagina saginoides (L.) KARST. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Sagittaria sagittifolia L. sagittifolia based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Saguerus rumphii ROXB. NULL based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salacia chinensis L. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salacia fruticosa HEYNE EX LAWS. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salacia grandiflora KURZ. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salacia macrophylla BL. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salacia macrosperma WT. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salacia oblonga WALL. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salacia reticulata WIGHT based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salicornia brachiata ROXB. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salicornia indica DREGE based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salix acmophylla BOISS. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salix acutifolia WILLD. NULL based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salix alba L. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salix babylonica L. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salix caprea L. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salix daphnoides VILL NULL based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salix elegans WALL. NULL based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salix pychnostachya ANDERSS. NULL based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salix tetrasperma ROXB. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salmalia insignis (WALL.) SCHOTT & ENDL. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salmalia malabarica SCHOTT & ENDL. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salomonia cantoniensis LOUR. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salsola baryosma (R. & S.) DANDY based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salsola foetida DEL. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salsola kali LINN. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salvadora indica ROYLE NULL based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salvadora oleoides DECNE based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salvadora persica L. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salvadora persica L. wightiana (PLANCH EX THW.) VERDC. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salvadora wightiana PLANCH. EX THW. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salvia aegyptiaca L. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salvia bengalensis KOENIG based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salvia cabulica BENTH. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salvia coccinea BUCHOZ EX ETLINGA based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salvia glutinosa L. NULL based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salvia haematodes W. NULL based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salvia hians ROYLE EX BTH. NULL based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salvia lanata ROXB. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salvia macrosiphon BOISS. NULL based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salvia moorcroftiana WALL. EX BENTH based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salvia mukerjeea BENNET & RAIZADA based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salvia officinalis L. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salvia plebeia R.BR. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salvia pumila BENTH. NULL based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases" "Traditional Healer’s medicinal plants used with Tephrosia purpurea PERS. and Salvia sclarea L. based Herbal Formulations for Skin diseases"


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