Medicinal Plants used with Stachytarpheta mutabilis (Jacq.) Vahl based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community

पंकज अवधिया का मेडीसिनल प्लांट डेटाबेस: जीवनरक्षक जड़ी-बूटियाँ-974
                               कृषि वैज्ञानिक एवम जैव-विविधता विशेषज्ञ पंकज अवधिया भारतीय जड़ी-बूटियों से सम्बन्धित पारम्परिक चिकित्सकीय ज्ञान का दस्तावेजीकरण कर रहे हैं| "जीवनरक्षक जड़ी-बूटियाँ" नामक यह श्रृंखला उनके हाल ही में किये गये वानस्पतिक सर्वेक्षणों पर आधारित है| अधिक जानकारी के लिए उनकी वेबसाईट पर जाएँ|

Medicinal Plants of India with reference to Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Orissa.

This picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia's guest lectures on Conservation Agriculture, Traditional Agricultural Knowledge and Climate Change Mitigation. And That's how Climate Change is affecting Traditional Healing in Asia.

This picture is a part of Pankaj Oudhia's report on Indian Medicinal Plants used with Traditional Entomophagy and Entomotherpy.
"Medicinal Plants used with Bouchea hyderabadense Walp. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Callicarpa arborea Roxb. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Callicarpa tomentosa (L.) Murr. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Citharexylum  fruticosum L. forma subserratum (Sw.) Moldenke based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Clerodendrum aculeatum Griseb. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Clerodendrum cordatum D. Don based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Clerodendrum indicum (L.) Kuntze based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Clerodendrum inerme (L.) Gaertn. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Clerodendrum infortunatum L. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Clerodendrum neriifolium Wall.ex Schauer based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Clerodendrum paniculatum L. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Clerodendrum philippinum Schauer based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Clerodendrum phlomidis L.f. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Clerodendrum serratum (L.) Moon based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Clerodendrum thomsonae Balf. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Clerodendrum waiiichii Merr. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Duranta erecta L. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Gmelina arborea Roxb. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Gmelina asiatica L. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Gmelina philippensis Cham. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Holmskioldia sanguinea Retz. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Lantana camara L. var. aculeata (L.) Mold. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Lantana camara L.var. splendens (Medic.) Mold. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Lantana indica Roxb. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Lantana trifolia L. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Lantana veronicifolia Hayek based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Lippia citriodora H.B.K. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Lippia javanica (Burm.f.) Spreng. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Petrea volubilis L. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Phyla nodiflora (L.) Greene based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Premna balakrishnanii Rajendran & P.Daniel based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Premna coriacea Clarke var.coriacea based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Premna coriacea Clarke var. villosa (C. B. Clarke) Rajendran & Daniel based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Premna corymbosa (Burm.f.) Rottl. & Willd. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Premna glaberrima Wight based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Premna herbacea Roxb. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Premna latifolia Rozb.  var. latifolia based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Premna latifolia Roxb. var. henryi D. Naras. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Premna latifolia Rozb. var. mollissima (Roth) Clarke based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Premna latifolia Roxb. var. viburnoides Clarke based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Premna mundanthuraiensis Rajendran & P.Daniel based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Premna paucinervis (Clarke) Gamble based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Premna serratifolia L. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Premna tomentosa Willd. based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Premna wightiana Schauer based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Priva cordifolia (L.f.) Druce based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Stachytarpheta jamaicensis (L.) Vahl based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community" "Medicinal Plants used with Stachytarpheta mutabilis (Jacq.) Vahl based Ethnoveterinary Formulations by Indigenous Shepherd Community"


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