Validated and Potential Medicinal Rice Formulations for Diabetes mellitus Type 2 Complications and/with Genital Herpes (TH Group-224) from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database

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Drunk and enraged, in violent colic
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Abdomen)

Dug in abdomen, an oblong hole were
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Abdomen)

Eaten too much, in abdomen ,
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Abdomen)

Eaten, unripe fruit, she had
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Abdomen)

Eating in bowels, something was
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Abdomen)

Ebullition, everything in abdomen were in
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Abdomen)

Electric shocks darted through abdomen to anus
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Abdomen)

Electric, shocks from abdomen to vagina
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Abdomen)

Electric, shock from battery or needles, between end of sternum and umbilicus
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Abdomen)

Electric, sparks burning in abdomen
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Abdomen)

Emetic in morning, she had taken (in bowels)
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Abdomen)

Emptied, out, all bowels would be
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Abdomen)

Emptiness in abdomen ,
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Abdomen)

Emptiness, and hollowness and coldness in abdomen
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Abdomen)

Empty, whole abdomen were ,
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Abdomen)

Empty, after stool, abdomen were
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Abdomen)

Empty, bowels were drawn up into a ball and abdomen were
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Abdomen)

Empty, feeling in groins
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Abdomen)

Enraged and drunk, in violent colic
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Abdomen)

Entrails were hanging loose and flabby when walking
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Abdomen)

Eruption would make its appearance across abdomen
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Abdomen)

Evacuate fæces, intestines had no power to
Medicinal Rice Formulations from Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database (Sensation as if series-Diseases of Abdomen)


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