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Related Topics in Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database at http://www.pankajoudhia.com

Polyalthia suberosa (ROXB.) THW. in Pankaj Oudhia’s Research Documents on Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Tribal Herbal Practices) for Sexual Health (Aphrodisiac):  Kamottejana ke liye Akarkara (Spilanthes or Acmella) ka Prayog (91 Herbal Ingredients, Tribal Formulations of Maharashtra; Not mentioned in ancient literature related to different systems of medicine in India and other countries; Popularity of Formulation (1-10) among the Young Healers-5; पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज: कामोत्तेजना के लिए अकरकरा का प्रयोग),
Polycarpon prostratum (FORSK.) ASCH. & SCHWEINF. in Pankaj Oudhia’s Research Documents on Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Tribal Herbal Practices) for Sexual Health (Aphrodisiac):  Kamottejana ke liye Akarkara (Spilanthes or Acmella) ka Prayog (30 Herbal Ingredients, Tribal Formulations of Bihar; Not mentioned in ancient literature related to different systems of medicine in India and other countries; Popularity of Formulation (1-10) among the Young Healers-5; पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज: कामोत्तेजना के लिए अकरकरा का प्रयोग),
Polygonum minus HUDS in Pankaj Oudhia’s Research Documents on Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Tribal Herbal Practices) for Sexual Health (Aphrodisiac):  Kamottejana ke liye Akarkara (Spilanthes or Acmella) ka Prayog (84 Herbal Ingredients, Tribal Formulations of Maharashtra; Not mentioned in ancient literature related to different systems of medicine in India and other countries; Popularity of Formulation (1-10) among the Young Healers-5; पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज: कामोत्तेजना के लिए अकरकरा का प्रयोग),
Polygonum stagninum (BUCH.-HAM. EX MEISSN.) STEWARD in Pankaj Oudhia’s Research Documents on Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Tribal Herbal Practices) for Sexual Health (Aphrodisiac):  Kamottejana ke liye Akarkara (Spilanthes or Acmella) ka Prayog (5 Herbal Ingredients, Tribal Formulations of Bihar; Not mentioned in ancient literature related to different systems of medicine in India and other countries; Popularity of Formulation (1-10) among the Young Healers-5; पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज: कामोत्तेजना के लिए अकरकरा का प्रयोग),
Premna coriacea CL. in Pankaj Oudhia’s Research Documents on Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Tribal Herbal Practices) for Sexual Health (Aphrodisiac):  Kamottejana ke liye Akarkara (Spilanthes or Acmella) ka Prayog (150 Herbal Ingredients, Tribal Formulations of Chhattisgarh; Not mentioned in ancient literature related to different systems of medicine in India and other countries; Popularity of Formulation (1-10) among the Young Healers-6; पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज: कामोत्तेजना के लिए अकरकरा का प्रयोग),
Richardia scabra L. in Pankaj Oudhia’s Research Documents on Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Tribal Herbal Practices) for Sexual Health (Aphrodisiac):  Kamottejana ke liye Akarkara (Spilanthes or Acmella) ka Prayog (100 Herbal Ingredients, Tribal Formulations of West Bengal; Not mentioned in ancient literature related to different systems of medicine in India and other countries; Popularity of Formulation (1-10) among the Young Healers-5; पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज: कामोत्तेजना के लिए अकरकरा का प्रयोग),
Ruellia tuberosa L. in Pankaj Oudhia’s Research Documents on Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Tribal Herbal Practices) for Sexual Health (Aphrodisiac):  Kamottejana ke liye Akarkara (Spilanthes or Acmella) ka Prayog (4 Herbal Ingredients, Tribal Formulations of Bihar; Not mentioned in ancient literature related to different systems of medicine in India and other countries; Popularity of Formulation (1-10) among the Young Healers-6; Only freshly collected ingredients are used; पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज: कामोत्तेजना के लिए अकरकरा का प्रयोग),
Sesuvium portulacastrum L. in Pankaj Oudhia’s Research Documents on Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Tribal Herbal Practices) for Sexual Health (Aphrodisiac):  Kamottejana ke liye Akarkara (Spilanthes or Acmella) ka Prayog (129 Herbal Ingredients, Tribal Formulations of West Bengal; Not mentioned in ancient literature related to different systems of medicine in India and other countries; Popularity of Formulation (1-10) among the Young Healers-5; पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज: कामोत्तेजना के लिए अकरकरा का प्रयोग),
Solanum giganteum JACQ in Pankaj Oudhia’s Research Documents on Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Tribal Herbal Practices) for Sexual Health (Aphrodisiac):  Kamottejana ke liye Akarkara (Spilanthes or Acmella) ka Prayog (19 Herbal Ingredients, Tribal Formulations of Uttarakhand; Not mentioned in ancient literature related to different systems of medicine in India and other countries; Popularity of Formulation (1-10) among the Young Healers-5; पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज: कामोत्तेजना के लिए अकरकरा का प्रयोग),
Spathodea campanulata P. BEAUV. in Pankaj Oudhia’s Research Documents on Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Tribal Herbal Practices) for Sexual Health (Aphrodisiac):  Kamottejana ke liye Akarkara (Spilanthes or Acmella) ka Prayog (158 Herbal Ingredients, Tribal Formulations of Chhattisgarh; Not mentioned in ancient literature related to different systems of medicine in India and other countries; Popularity of Formulation (1-10) among the Young Healers-5; Only freshly collected ingredients are used; पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज: कामोत्तेजना के लिए अकरकरा का प्रयोग),
Stylosanthes fruticosa (RETZ.) ALST. in Pankaj Oudhia’s Research Documents on Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Tribal Herbal Practices) for Sexual Health (Aphrodisiac):  Kamottejana ke liye Akarkara (Spilanthes or Acmella) ka Prayog (148 Herbal Ingredients, Tribal Formulations of West Bengal; Not mentioned in ancient literature related to different systems of medicine in India and other countries; Popularity of Formulation (1-10) among the Young Healers-5; पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज: कामोत्तेजना के लिए अकरकरा का प्रयोग),
Synadenium grantii HK.F. in Pankaj Oudhia’s Research Documents on Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Tribal Herbal Practices) for Sexual Health (Aphrodisiac):  Kamottejana ke liye Akarkara (Spilanthes or Acmella) ka Prayog (169 Herbal Ingredients, Tribal Formulations of Chhattisgarh; Not mentioned in ancient literature related to different systems of medicine in India and other countries; Popularity of Formulation (1-10) among the Young Healers-5; पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज: कामोत्तेजना के लिए अकरकरा का प्रयोग),
Tagetes patula L. in Pankaj Oudhia’s Research Documents on Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Tribal Herbal Practices) for Sexual Health (Aphrodisiac):  Kamottejana ke liye Akarkara (Spilanthes or Acmella) ka Prayog (13 Herbal Ingredients, Tribal Formulations of Uttarakhand; Not mentioned in ancient literature related to different systems of medicine in India and other countries; Popularity of Formulation (1-10) among the Young Healers-5; पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज: कामोत्तेजना के लिए अकरकरा का प्रयोग),
Trianthema triquetra ROTTL. EX WILLD. in Pankaj Oudhia’s Research Documents on Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Tribal Herbal Practices) for Sexual Health (Aphrodisiac):  Kamottejana ke liye Akarkara (Spilanthes or Acmella) ka Prayog (5 Herbal Ingredients, Tribal Formulations of Jharkhand; Mentioned in ancient literature related to different systems of medicine in India and other countries; Popularity of Formulation (1-10) among the Young Healers-5; पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज: कामोत्तेजना के लिए अकरकरा का प्रयोग),
Trichilia connaroides (WT. & ARN.) BENTVELZEN in Pankaj Oudhia’s Research Documents on Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Tribal Herbal Practices) for Sexual Health (Aphrodisiac):  Kamottejana ke liye Akarkara (Spilanthes or Acmella) ka Prayog (90 Herbal Ingredients, Tribal Formulations of West Bengal; Not mentioned in ancient literature related to different systems of medicine in India and other countries; Popularity of Formulation (1-10) among the Young Healers-4; पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज: कामोत्तेजना के लिए अकरकरा का प्रयोग),
Utricularia stellaris L.F. in Pankaj Oudhia’s Research Documents on Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Tribal Herbal Practices) for Sexual Health (Aphrodisiac):  Kamottejana ke liye Akarkara (Spilanthes or Acmella) ka Prayog (14 Herbal Ingredients, Tribal Formulations of Uttarakhand; Not mentioned in ancient literature related to different systems of medicine in India and other countries; Popularity of Formulation (1-10) among the Young Healers-6; पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज: कामोत्तेजना के लिए अकरकरा का प्रयोग),
Verbascum chinense (L.) SANT. in Pankaj Oudhia’s Research Documents on Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Tribal Herbal Practices) for Sexual Health (Aphrodisiac):  Kamottejana ke liye Akarkara (Spilanthes or Acmella) ka Prayog (5 Herbal Ingredients, Tribal Formulations of Uttarakhand; Mentioned in ancient literature related to different systems of medicine in India and other countries; Popularity of Formulation (1-10) among the Young Healers-5; पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज: कामोत्तेजना के लिए अकरकरा का प्रयोग),
Viburnum punctatum BUCH.- HAM, EX D. DON in Pankaj Oudhia’s Research Documents on Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Tribal Herbal Practices) for Sexual Health (Aphrodisiac):  Kamottejana ke liye Akarkara (Spilanthes or Acmella) ka Prayog (75 Herbal Ingredients, Tribal Formulations of West Bengal; Not mentioned in ancient literature related to different systems of medicine in India and other countries; Popularity of Formulation (1-10) among the Young Healers-5; पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज: कामोत्तेजना के लिए अकरकरा का प्रयोग),


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