कामोत्तेजक मशरूम और कामोत्तेजक कीड़ा
कामोत्तेजक मशरूम और कामोत्तेजक कीड़ा हरिभूमि रायपुर, जनवरी १८, २०११ Related Topics in Pankaj Oudhia’s Medicinal Plant Database at http://www.pankajoudhia.com Haldina cordifolia (ROXB.) RIDSDALE in Pankaj Oudhia’s Research Documents on Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Tribal Herbal Practices) for Anal Fistula (Fistula-in-ano): Bhagandar ke liye Majith (Manjith or Rubia) ka Prayog (20 Herbal Ingredients, Tribal Formulations of Orissa; Not mentioned in ancient literature related to different systems of medicine in India and other countries; पंकज अवधिया के शोध दस्तावेज: भगन्दर के लिए मजीठ का प्रयोग) , Hedyotis corymbosa (L.) LAM. in Pankaj Oudhia’s Research Documents on Indigenous Herbal Medicines (Tribal Herbal Practices) for Anal Fistula (Fistula-in-ano): Bhagandar ke liye Majith (Manjith or Rubia) ka Prayog (36 Herbal Ingredients, Tribal Formulations of Madhya Pradesh; Not mentioned in ancient literature related to different systems of medicine in India a...